Performance Health Academy. Here are some of the things Forcum mentioned during our phone interview, many of which seem to warrant more in-depth discussions. And the lymphatic drain configuration that Lelke applied to my inner knees on three different occasions seemed to make my knees more sensitive to post-ride icing, implying increased blood and lymphatic flow. Kinesiology tape was developed in the 1970's and was engineered to mimic the qualities of human skin. Kinesiology Tape for Knee Pain. It's made from a combination of cotton and medical-grade acrylic adhesive. Cut two 5-inch strips of . Laura Campedelli, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist with experience in hospital-based acute care and outpatient therapy with both children and adults. He wanted a method for supporting an athlete's body but without limiting movement. In the case of a severe muscle strain or joint sprain this tape should not be applied without the guidance of a medical professional. The tape should last three to five days on your skin even with showering. As an alternative to rigid taping methods intended to stabilize muscles or joints for semi-immobile recovery and healing, kinesiology tape was designed to serve those original purposes while enabling athletes to return to competition or training soonerin many cases, immediately. Seminar, May, 2014. Retrieved from, Turner, S. (October 2017). And if the Bennetts are doing it, you dont need to take it from experts you dont know or from companies who are marketing their own products. To support the use of kinesiology tape to improve athletic performance, RockTape conducted a study of five cyclists and found that they performed 2% to 6% better with the application of kinesiology tape (specifically RockTape) than without the tape. Kinesiology tape serves different functions when applied. Does MIPS Protect Cyclists From Traumatic Brain Injuries? The beginnings of kinesiology tape can be traced to chiropractor and acupuncturist Kenzo Kase who first created his taping method in 1979 to encourage blood flow and injury relief. Ask a Trainer: How Can I Fix My Achy Muscles Quickly? As an alternative to rigid taping methods intended to stabilize muscles or joints for semi-immobile recovery and healing, kinesiology tape was designed to serve those original purposes while enabling athletes to return to competition or training soonerin many cases, immediately. Elastic Therapeutic Tape, also called Kinesiology Tape, Kinesio Tape, K-Tape is a rehabilitative method used to facilitate the body's natural healing process, while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body's range of motion. Tape doesn't want to be removed. How to Use Kinesiology Tape to Reduce Swelling. There are several brands of tape, but here are a few reasons why we think THERABAND Kinesiology Tape is the best choice. Such massages are . 7 Foam Rolling Exercises to Relieve Muscle Tension, After Testing Dozens of Pairs, These Are the 12 Best Leggings on Amazon, 10 Best Chafing Creams to Keep You Rub-Free, Recommended by Experts, How to Use Massage for Post-Workout Recovery, Understanding Biomechanics and Body Movement. Kinesiology tape . Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Kinesiology tape and physical therapy (PT) for 4 weeks resulted in significantly reduced pain and swelling compared to PT alone 1; Studies have found that using kinesiology tape to reduce swelling resulted in faster reduction of edema 2; Increased Blood Flow; Kinesiology tape increased blood flow to the skin where it was applied 3 Want to receive the latest education, articles, and promotions from Performance Health? (n.d.). 2) Page P, Frank C, Lardner R. Assessment and Treatment of Muscle Imbalance . To many professional therapists, the Medical Taping Concept has become an essential addition in their practice. Below is a picture of what this taping method will ideally look like (every athlete's tape lengths will be slightly different). Providing . Among them are that: Used to facilitate motion and inhibit pain. Retrieved from, Moore, R. (July 2016). Follow contraindications and precautions when choosing Kinesio Taping Method; Apply the tape on dry skin, free of oils and . Honestly, we really dont know, but there are several theories on how it might work. First, it is thought to changethe proprioception input of the sensory nervous system in the muscles, joints, and skin. Your physicaltherapist can help you decide which tape is best for your specific condition. It can also be used to help decrease pain, swelling, and muscle spasm. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Just soak your tape in a little oil, wait a few minutes, and the tape will come off MUCH EASIER. The tape is worn for a set amount . THERABAND Kinesiology Tape makes it easy to ensure you get the right amount of stretch, just follow the indicators. Also, he said that some brands might work better than others for you, so it could be a good idea to try a few brands to discover the best one for you. In the case of surgery, scar management can be performed with VetkinTape to avoid adherences that can compromise the movement of tissues in the future. J Chiropr Med. Since Kerri Walsh acted as the original plug for the technology and practice, more and more athletes are claiming positive results and relief through the use of kinesiology tape. 2015;2015:950519. doi:10.1155/2015/950519, Han JT, Lee JH. Shoulder Tape Acromion Process. It can facilitate, muscular contraction in a weak muscle or the relaxation in the case of muscle tension. Kinesiology taping is considered the first true therapeutic taping technique. Athletes make use of kinesiology taping to help them build muscle strength and recover from injuries at a faster pace. Kinesiology taping for Lifting FaceThis is a video lesson of how to start with taping and how to do it correctly at a basic level.. Explanations of what kinesio tape can do are met with a . The kinesiology tape is most commonly used on horses and dogs, but it can be used on other animals as well. "Cutaneous stimulation from patella tape causes a differential increase invasti muscle activity in people with patellofemoral pain" Journal of Orthopaedic Research March 2005, Vol.23(2):351358. By Brett Sears, PT While most types of athletic tape have little or no stretch, kinesiology tape is very elastic, able to stretch longitudinally up to . Stretch the muscle and not the tape during application, till the last . Kinesiology tape, also commonly referred to as k-tape or physio tape, differs from traditional athletic tape in both form and function. There are 3 common cuts used in kinesiology tape application. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000011038, Lee JH. The short-term effectiveness of balance taping on acute nonspecific low-back pain: A case report. The sizes are designed to match different size areas on horses or small animals. To learn more about Kerri Walsh-endorsed KT Tape, visit The Kinesio Taping Method is the definitive rehabilitative taping system of knowledge, is designed to facilitate the body's natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body's range of motion, as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of . Since there are different methods for doing this, it may be tougher to get the maximum effect. Kinesiology tape is also thought to realign joint positions, and it may also be useful in remodeling collagen tissuessuch as in scar tissue management. While kinesiology tape is widely available and easy to use, it shouldn't be used for injury prevention . Brett Sears, PT, MDT, is a physical therapist with over 20 years of experience in orthopedic and hospital-based therapy. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. The kinesio taping method for myofascial pain control. Clinical Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio Taping Method. Dr. Kenso Kase introduced kinesiology tape (KT) in the 1970s and healthcare professionals have since made it a popular intervention across different rehabilitation, fitness, and sports settings. Thin, durable and comfortable, kinesiology tape can provide ample support and care without restricting movement and range of motion to the area. Kinesio tape has been found to be more effective than the local modalities at the . JOSPT 39(7), 2009. "Short-term effects of cervical kinesio taping on pain and cervical range of motion in patients with acute whiplash injury: a randomized, controlled trial." One study compared the adhesion of 3 brands of kinesiology tape over 5 days. Aquatic water exercises are an effective method to provide low bodyweight exercises. As a new user who is still getting his feet wet, I can only say that Forcum and Lelkes experience with athletes and their conviction of the effectiveness of kinesiology taping have impressed me. At times, the tape is referred to as "kinesio tape." . Stretching the skin under the tape gives a firm surface to remove your tape and makes it much easier. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. At the time innovative methods of taping were being developed, starting from the idea that movement and muscle activity are essential in . Other issues kinesiology tape can address, often with a single strip of tape: Matching a team color? The tape was originally designed to be used as a method of physical therapy, but it has since been found to be effective for use in other areas of medicine as well. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Kinesiology Taping For Beginners! The two methods however cannot be considered the same and cannot be used interchangeably as it happens in the research literature now, because: In Kinesiology taping various tapes are used, from K-Active, AcuTop, Theraband to the brand-specific . Based on research and years of clinical use, the kinesiology tape . Throughout the years, more evidence has been collected in various tape-applications for a range of injuries and medical problems. Honerkamp also has specific kinesiology tape brands to recommend to those who would like to start wearing it during workouts: While kinesiology tape is widely available and easy to use, it shouldn't be used for injury prevention. According to the Kinesio Tape manufacturer, the tape colors don't represent any chemical or physical differences. Otherstudies haveexamined the effect of kinesiology taping and pain, swelling, and improved mobility, with varied results. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games probably marked the moment in sports history when kinesiology tape first raised public awarenessor curiosityon a large scale. Assists rehabilitation when using the kinesiology taping method. 2014;26(6):921-923. doi:10.1589/jpts.26.921, Aytara A, Ozunlua N, Surenkokb O, Baltacc G, Oztopd P, Karatasd M.Initial effects of kinesio taping in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome: A randomized, double-blind study. 2014;13(4):221-6. doi:10.5114/pm.2014.44997, Villafae JH, Langford D, Alguacil-Diego IM, Fernndez-Carnero J. Knee Stability Taping. 2018;97(24):e11038. Kinesiology Tape 101: Everything You Need to Know. Lo says, it's hard to recommend any particular taping technique. Performance Health Academy. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. The amount of stretch in the tape can be manipulated according to the condition and needs of the individual being taped. Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Secondly, broken bones will not be helped with kinesiology tape. After a few days, his dog was once again jumping around. Its easy to apply with the correct tension. Sure, Dr. Johanna Lelke replied, I was trained by a well-known authority on the discipline, Ted Forcum. Small world. Then pressure is applied to this stiffened muscle. However, when an accomplished expert like Dr. Ted Forcum, a veteran member of summer and winter Olympics sports medical teams, enthusiastically explains the broad range of injuries and ailments that can be addressed with the stuff, one cant help but give it a try. Does Kinesiology Tape Tension Matter?. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. It's also sold online. balance across a joint The Kinesio Taping Method is a therapeutic taping technique which alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. Dont Stretch to Conclusions. Sign up now! The majority of kinesiology tapes are made from cotton, acrylic adhesive, latex free, and are hypoallergenic and water resistant. A great option for people who want to try taping for the first time or choose a variety of colors, For those who need more tape but plan to carry it around, this is a more portable option instead of a bulk roll, Perfect for physical therapy or athletic training offices that use a lot of tape. You apply it to areas to give more pressure and support to an area that is more likely to have an issue, like a pulled muscle, Honerkamp explained. The Medical Taping Concept is a revolutionary method of treatment, which differs fundamentally from the conventional taping treatment methods. Physical Therapy: Uses, Benefits, & More, Auxetic structures used in kinesiology tapes can improve form-fitting and personalization, Effectiveness of Kinesio Taping on hypertrophic scars, keloids and scar contractures, Effects of ankle balance taping with kinesiology tape for a patient with chronic ankle instability, The kinesio taping method for myofascial pain control, Effects of kinesiology taping on repositioning error of the knee joint after quadriceps muscle fatigue, Initial effects of kinesio taping in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome: A randomized, double-blind study, Kinesiology Taping reduces lymphedema of the upper extremity in women after breast cancer treatment: a pilot study, Management of trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis pain and dysfunction using mobilization with movement technique in combination with kinesiology tape: a case report, Effect of kinesiology tape application direction on quadriceps strength, The short-term effectiveness of balance taping on acute nonspecific low-back pain: A case report, The clinical efficacy of Rocktape in a performance enhancing application, The effects of kinesiology taping therapy on degenerative knee arthritis patients' pain, function, and joint range of motion, Effect of kinesiology taping on pain in individuals with musculoskeletal injuries: systematic review and meta-analysis. Additionally, our taping instructors are equine or canine practitioners and specialists in applying the Medical Taping Concept (MTC) for animal purposes. Read our, The 57 Best Fitness Gifts Under $50 of 2022. J Phys Ther Sci. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. People state that there are a variety of benefits that kinesio taping offers. It is made of cotton with an acrylic adhesive that sticks to the skin without causing discomfort. The basis of the Medical Taping Concept method was created in Japan and Korea in the seventies. 2016;28(1):63-6. doi:10.1589/jpts.28.63, Montalvo AM, Cara EL, Myer GD. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000009304. (May 2018). Want your favorite color? The largest of the KinesioTaping manuals, this technical manual presents advanced kinesiology taping concepts using detailed medical and anatomical terminology. However, the mechanism for the immediate effect is still unknown (Yang, et. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Why Strength Training is Important for Endurance Athletes. It can be used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries in a noninvasive manner. 515-521. VetkinTape aims to deliver high-end educational training based on the experience and feedback obtained from our human MTC courses. It involves placing strips of special tape on your body in specific directions to help support your joints, like a knee, ankle, or wrist, as well as muscles and tendons. Stronger Adhesion. Before, you apply any tape (kinesiology tape, rock tape, or sports tape), clean the skin you want to apply on. This is the sensation that allows you to know where your body is in space (say, how high your arm is raised). Recent studies have shown that the use of kinesiology tape can improve muscular contractions in the vastus medialis, aspecific part of the quadriceps muscle responsible for controlling the position of your kneecap. Ask a Trainer: How Can I Avoid Cycling Injuries. You may be allergic to the adhesive. The statements and examples mentioned are based on long-term experiences of patients and trained therapists. Veterinary Taping for dogs can be used to reduce pain over painful joints or muscles and to reduce edema after trauma or surgery (abdominal or orthopaedic). equine or canine rehabilitation and physical therapy), are now able to add this relatively new technique to their skills portfolio. Kinesio tape was developed as an alternative to non-flexible tapes that were previously the standard. Performance Health Academy. mechanical control joint movement, even moving it over to another plane to enhance muscle fullness. Whether youre an athlete or a large clinic, weve got the right size for you. Recently, kinesiology tape is a common intervention in clinic and sport. Brett Sears, PT, MDT, is a physical therapist with over 20 years of experience in orthopedic and hospital-based therapy. Material and methods: The research involved 20 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (16 women, 4 men), treated in the Hospital in Kup. Read our. MAKE THE SKIN TAUGHT. Are there drawbacks to using kinesiology tape? If the tape isnt applied in the right direction and with the right amount of stretch, it may not be effective. Retrieved from, Page, P. (March 2015). Verywell Fit articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and nutrition and exercise healthcare professionals. However, if you're looking for an alternative method to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Mueller Kinesiology Tape might be your answer. For example, one 2012 study said that kinesiology tape significantly improved pain levels and range of motion in patients with acute whiplash-associated disorders of the cervical spine both immediately and 24 hours after injury.. Trusted by 10.000+ veterinary professionals, Effectively treat injuries using VetkinTape, Supports professionals during taping treatment, Complete the professionals taping equipment, Co-developed by veterinary health professionals, Influence trigger-points & acupuncture points, Equine kinesiology taping tips & instructions, Canine kinesiology taping tips & instructions, Improving blood circulation and lymphatic flow. Honerkamp believes that it does indeed support injured muscles (and joints as well), helps warm up parts of the body, and aids in recovery. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. The current level of the medical knowledge about the fascia has given more substantiation and explanation why this method can be applied successfully. Methods: In this randomized controlled study, 30 volunteers with unilateral ankle injury were evaluated. "The science is truthfully not great, as application techniques and amount of stretch are not well controlled," Dodge says. The main focus of the course is on rehabilitation of . If you want to know more about plantar fasciitis taping methods then keep reading to the end. Start by choosing from 4 sizes. Type: Muscle Method: Anchor Target: Biceps femoris, semimembranosus or semitendinosus Tension: 25 percent Objective: Reduce tone Tape Cut: I-cut timestwo Start by measuring the target tissue area after it has been placed on a stretch. 2017;96(51):e9304. : Ready to apply your tape? VetkinTape provides veterinary taping courses. Tapping is usually used by physiotherapists to change Muscle Tone, Move . These medical reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Choose between 8 colors. Retrieved from, Kinesiology Tape Research: Get the Facts About Kinesio Taping, Stopping Burnout Before It Starts: 5 Ways to Prevent Burnout in Your Clinic, Treating Common Hand and Wrist Injuries in Musicians, 8 Non-Medication Tips for Sleep Problems in Alzheimers, How to Overcome Sensory Problems in Children with Autism, Improve Your Golf Swing with 5 Easy Exercises, How to Create an Active Sensory Room at Home for Your Child, The One Tool You Need to Relieve Tennis Elbow Pain, Other claims about muscle activation, circulatory, and proprioceptive mechanisms, Kinesio tape applied after DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) significantly decreased pain and increased range of motion compared to the no tape condition, Another study found that kinesiology tape may be an effective pain relief intervention similar to ice or heat, but should be used alongside other proven therapies like exercise or manual therapy (rather than in lieu of), Kinesiology tape and physical therapy (PT) for 4 weeks resulted in significantly reduced pain and swelling compared to PT alone, Studies have found that using kinesiology tape to reduce swelling resulted in faster reduction of edema, Kinesiology tape increased blood flow to the skin where it was applied, However, tape tension and convolutions (hills and valleys created on the skin where the tape was applied) did not significantly affect the outcome, Kinesiology tape improved dynamic surface balance when applied to the lower leg of women with a history of falling, But it did not improve balance on stable surfaces, Lower tape tensions are associated with stronger effects, One study found no effect on shoulder pain or function when progressively increasing tape tension each week (0 > 25% > 50% > 75%), There is no evidence comparing specific patterns for specific diagnoses, many studies on the same diagnosis use different tape patterns and more research is needed on tape patterns, There is no evidence that K tape application lifts the skin. Looking for a neutral color? I have gone in to see her on three separate occasions and still prefer the idea of having her do it instead of trying to do so myself. Flex the knee at a 90 angle Effect of kinesiology taping on pain in individuals with musculoskeletal injuries: systematic review and meta-analysis. The immediate effectiveness of kinesiology taping in modulating pain was reported in previous studies focusing on treating impinged shoulder pain, neck pain, and low back pain. sign up for Outside+. Methods: Twenty two older adults aged over 65 years and living in nursing homes. 2014;42(2):48-57. doi:psm.2014.05.2057. The adhesive was developed exclusively for veterinary use and is considered by many professionals to be the best in the market for sports applications. Forcum explained that he had the opportunity to implement kinesiology taping with members of Coors Lights professional cycling team (which boasted riders like Davis Phinney and Greg LeMond) back in the early 90s, and then again with cyclists at the Beijing Olympics. I had figured Lelke might have experience in this area since she had recently been brought on staff by Dr. Heidi Olson to expand their implementation of therapeutic treatments, such as Active Release Techniques (ART), the Graston Technique and kinesiology taping. The Kinesio Taping Method is also extremely useful in the treatment of horses. ), THERABAND Kinesiology tape has a low level of irritation making it a little safer for people with sensitive skin who want to use tape, Its backed by a company that researches and supports its products, Acute conditions to help reduce swelling and inflammation and for neurological effects, Subacute care to help support muscles or joints or reduce pain, Learn more about tape tension in the infographic or video below, Tear the backing leaving 2-4 centimeters on each end for anchors. In contrast to conventional taping methods that uses non-elastic materials often adversely affect the joints and restricts the animals freedom; kinesiology taping allows movement, making the application very comfortable for the animal while treating pain, supporting joints and improving mobility and lymph circulation. According to some research, kinesiology tape (in conjunction with other modalities) is more effective in reducing disability and aiding recovery than exercise or other rehab methods alone. They're a matter of personal preference. It is written for the medical professional. Kinesiology taping, a method to reduce plantar fascia thickness. You want a tape that will stick during exercise, showers, and daily life for up to 5 days. Visit your regional site for relevant pricing, promotions, and products. Methods: This study quantified the mechanical characteristics of 380 samples of kinesiology tape from 19 different brands and in 4 different colors using a dynamometer. Using Kinesiology Tape for Shoulder Injuries. This video has been medically reviewed by Casey Gallagher, MD. Kinesiology Tape also have a complicated structure and are largely unprotected, making them prone to acute injuries and long-term deterioration. In the event of an injury, in most instances, movement is very important during the healing process. Medicine (Baltimore). The tight binding nature of athletic tape serves to decrease circulation. For example, if we have the testee think about her weight and the muscle goes weak (unlocked . Meeusen L, Candidori S, Micoli LL, Guidi G, Stankovi T, Graziosi S. Auxetic structures used in kinesiology tapes can improve form-fitting and personalization. Decreasingpainful input to the brain is thought to normalize muscle tone, resulting in decreased pain and muscular spasm. For example, kinesiology taping can be used to . Kinesiology tape is a therapeutic tape that is used to support muscles and joints and help reduce pain. How does kinesiology tape work? The Kinesio Tape was designed to mimic .
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